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In Conversation : Amol K. Patil and Zasha Colah

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Amol K Patil (b. 1987), is an artist working and experimenting with various mediums in an ever reaching attempt to recapture the vibrating movement and sound of the ‘chawl’ architecture in which he grew up - a form of social housing for mill and factory workers built in the early 1900s, with many tenements fit together, verandahs connecting every door, the gossiping voices from dimly lit tables under which men gather to play carom, the man with a walking stick, the sound of termites eating into wood, wedding festivities, and rhythmically creaking beds.

Patil has shown at Goethe-Institute / Max Mueller Bhavan, Mumbai,2019, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, New Delh 2019, The Showroom 2018, Twelve Gates Arts 2017, Tensta konsthall 2017, Pompidou 2017, Pune Biennale Habit-co Habit 2017, New Galerie in Paris 2016, Dakar Biennale,2016, Myymälä2, Helsinki, 2015; Japan Foundation, Delhi, 2015; Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam 2014, International Artists Initiated, Glasgow, 2014; Video Art Festival, Lagos, 2014; Para Site, Hong Kong, 2014; Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, 2013

Zasha Colah is interested in cultural sovereignty and projects that encourage collaborative art practice. She co-founded blackrice in 2008 in Nagaland, and the Clark House Initiative in Bombay in 2010, after studying art history at Oxford university and curatorial studies at the RCA, London. She was the curator of modern Indian art at the Jehangir Nicholson Art Foundation at the CSMVS museum (2008 to 2011), and was head of Public Programs at the National Gallery of Modern Art (2004-2005) in Mumbai.