Daisy Rockwell, My Sister's Hand in Mine 1, Acrylic on wooden panel, 18" x 22", 2019. Instagram: @shreedaisy
Daisy Rockwell paints under the takhallus, or alias, Lapata (pronounced ‘laapataa’), which is Urdu for “missing,” or “absconded,” as in “my luggage is missing,” or “the bandits have absconded.” She posts her paintings regularly to Flickr, and writes for the blog Chapati Mystery. She has shown her work widely. Her essays on literature and art have appeared in Bookslut, Caravan, Outlook Magazine, and The Sunday Guardian. Rockwell grew up in a family of artists in western Massachusetts, some whose work adorns the surfaces of chinaware and brightens up the waiting rooms of dentists’ offices, and others whose artistic output has found more select audiences. From 1992-2006, Lapata made a detour into Academia, from which she emerged with a PhD in South Asian literature, a book on the Hindi author Upendranath Ashk and a mild case of depression.
Daisy showed paintings from her book, Little Book of Terror, in a solo exhibition in 2012
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